Warning, warning... <RANT>

Adobe's latest 'support trick' with me is to ALWAYS assume that any
application within the TS6--that my company purchased for me and that I duly
registered the serial number (along with the serial number for FrameMaker
11) within Adobe Tech Support--is, once again with each opening, STILL in
its 'trial' stage. 

As such, it always requests that I register it with Adobe. After the third
or fourth time of this nonsense, I contacted tech support. They 'fixed the
problem'--for that day, at least--but the next time I tried to open another
TS6 application, I was again prompted to register the serial number. I had
the same thing happen with FM 11, which we purchased concurrently with TS6.
FM finally accepted the fact that it IS a legally registered product, and,
with the last two openings, the TS6 apps have finally seemed to be opening
as they should. 

But ... it shouldn't take months of customer aggravation to achieve what
should happen automatically with the initial registration.

Ahhh, thanks, I feel much better now! ;-)

Cheryl Dwyer
Lead Tech Writer
Industrial Medium Software, Inc.
McLean, VA
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 15:09:34 -0400
From: Art Campbell <art.campb...@gmail.com>
To: FrameUsers List <framers at lists.frameusers.com>,  Free Framers
        <framers at omsys.com>, tcs-users <TCS-Users at googlegroups.com>
Subject: Why we love Adobe Tech Support...
        <CAOW=E1fBOSai9PAgQsBQP5ap9AZ9oBr+mpUq+Qvpo8n2KSe-6w at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

The transcript of a chat session with "Pete" this afternoon. Back
story: I'm looking for a download of Acrobat X, not the current version.
And yes, I may have overstepped a wee bit when I asked "Do I have a choice?"
but that doesn't detract from the cheery ending from "Pete".  :- )

info: One moment please while we route your chat to a representative.
info: Thank you for contacting Adobe Sales. My name is Pete. How may I help
you today?
You: Art
Pete: Hi, may I have your first name please?
You: Hi, I'm looking for the download/installer for Acrobat X Pro
You: Any idea of the URL?
Pete: Just to know, did you already purchase the software?
You: Yes, that's why I need the download.
Pete: In that case, let me go ahead and transfer this chat to our Technical
Support Team to help you with the download, alright.
You: Do I have a choice?
Pete: You need to contact our technical team for the download, alright.
Pete: Let me transfer this chat, alright.
Pete: I am sorry, did I lose you?
You: No,
Pete: Thank yo for responding.
You: I'm waiting to be transferred -- I can't do it
Pete: *you.
You: and * you too,


Art Campbell
           art.campbell at gmail.com
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent and
a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
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