Becky Says:

 have recently started working with a team of people new to Frame, but 
who have programming experience. We are trying to automate working with 
xml files that use a home-grown schema. We have files set up for 
successful opening and formatting in Frame on Windows 7. We 
are trying to get the annoying manual update steps of importing an EDD 
and template styles automated. I am not able to offer any help in the 
scripting or plugin-creation areas. I apologize for being vague. I can 
clarify things if I know which questions to answer.

If I understand this correctly, you should not need to do any manual importing 
of the EDD or template styles.? You need to set up your template with EDD and 
formats, and assign it to the Structured Application that you are using.? Then, 
whenever you open your XML via this application, it should come into Maker with 
that template.? You might be having problems for the following reasons:
* No Struct App set up for your doc type
* Doc type not mapping to your struct app (check case or misspelling)
* Template not set up
* Template not resolving -- double-check paths

There is documentation to cover setting up a Structured Application.? I really 
think that's the key here.? 

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