Well, it's designed for content reuse, so sharing common content across 
projects is easy. Since it's topic based, it's easy for more than one writer to 
work on a project. It also has some very nice reporting and tracking features.  
If I was working on a large project, with multiple writers, and developing only 
for online output, I'd consider it.  (I would probably be using it now, at 
least for some projects, if we hadn't run into a showstopper issue with their 
WebHelp format and our application server).

I found that conversion from FM to Flare was much more time consuming than I 
expected. That was partly due to the learning curve, but even then, setting up 
a WWeP template is much easier and faster. I also found the writing environment 
not the easiest to work in. I wouldn't use it for anything that required PDF 

WebWorks is much more customizable. MadCap doesn't expose the internal workings 
of the program the way - they give you very nice interfaces for customization, 
but if it can't be done through the interface, you're out of luck.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Writer [mailto:generic668 at yahoo.ca]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 9:37 AM
> To: Keith Soltys; framers at lists.frameusers.com
> Subject: Re: best web help add-on for FrameMaker 10?
> > Flare has some advantages and I'd consider it for large projects where I
> > could start from scratch
> Kieth, do you mean if you were authoring from within Flare? What are those
> advantages?
> Thanks,
> Nadine

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