I've seen occasional funkyness with UNC paths (\\servername\path\file), 
but not when that same location is actually defined by a mounted drive 

Probably not what's going on, but thought I'd throw that into the mix.


On 2/13/13 2:07 PM, Jeff Coatsworth wrote:
> I'm pretty sure it's not the network because I'm the one logging in on both 
> flavours of workstation and working on the same files on the same network 
> location (not at the same instance of course) - the only difference is the 
> O/S (32-bit WinXP SP3 & 64-bit Win7 Pro). When it crashes, it just freezes at 
> the Cross Reference panel, then throws the FM error, then a Windows "The 
> instruction at "blah blah" referenced memory at "blah blah". The memory could 
> not be "read"." The error log files that get generated are first the 11014, 
> 7732533, 7724103, 5985284 one and the second is 11014, 8122692, 8122986, 
> 10866485 about 10 secs after the first.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com [mailto:framers-bounces at 
> lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Robert Lauriston
> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 4:15 PM
> To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
> Subject: Re: "FrameMaker has detected a problem and must quit" Really?!
> Good demonstration of how finicky FM is about networks and how hard
> those problems can be to diagnose.
> On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 12:45 PM, Jeff Coatsworth
> <jeff.coatsworth at jonassoftware.com> wrote:
>> I'm getting that one right after this one occurs - 11014, 7732533, 7724103,
>> 5985284
>> I've figured out that it's something to do with WinXP because working on
>> another terminal running Win7, doing exactly the same things with the same
>> files doesn't get the error at all.

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