fwiw, I've gotten used to using the Ctrl-Scroll Wheel to change my zoom 
settings. Pushing the scroll wheel away (up) makes things smaller, while 
dragging toward me (down) increases the magnification.


Matt Sullivan 
technical communication | online training | eLearning

twitter: @mattrsullivan
phone: 714 960-6840 

On Feb 21, 2013, at 12:08 PM, Karen Robbins <karendesign at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but I just noticed that I cannot set 
> custom zoom levels in FM 11. Why was the functionality of the old dialog box 
> (or whatever it was called) removed? And no, I don't mean typing into the 
> percentage/drop-down box--you know, the one that doesn't even look like an 
> entry field until it is rolled over or clicked in. If I had to type the size 
> every time I needed to change zoom level, I'd have the slowest workflow on 
> the planet.
> Seriously, are users expected to modify an .ini file just to set zoom-level 
> settings? (I understand from Shmuel's tip on Rocky Mountain Training's blog 
> that it's maker.ini line 95.) Most technical writers/editors are not 
> programmers and are neither comfortable nor familiar with modifying 
> application files this way. Seems dangerous for workgroups. Isn't that what 
> user interfaces are for?
> --Karen
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