
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We do take your needs very 
seriously, and have marked this issue for resolution in either a patch or the 
next release of FrameMaker.

Although the values on line 95 of your maker.ini file will not currently 
display in the zoom pop-up menu (only the first 4 values will show), you may 
sequentially go through all of the listed zoom values by holding down control 
while you move your mouse wheel forward or backward.

Summary of tools you can use:

You can set the available zoom levels by editing line 95 of the maker.ini file:
Zoom=25, 50, 80, 100, 120, 140, 150, 160, 200, 400

Summary of useful keyboard shortcuts:
Esc z i     =             In one zoom setting
Esc z o   =             Out one zoom setting
Esc z p   =             Fit Page in window
Esc z w =              Fit window to page
Esc z f    =             Fit window to text frame
Esc zz     =             Zoom to 100 percent

Please note that you can also manually enter any percentage you wish over the 
value that is displayed in the zoom menu. That zoom value will be saved with 
the document.

We hope that these workarounds help you in short term while we look at fixing 
this issue. This bug has been brought to the attention of Adobe product 
marketing and engineering.


Maxwell Hoffmann |  Product  Evangelist  |  Adobe  |  p. 503.336.5952  |  c. 
503.805.3719  |  mhoffman at adobe.com<mailto:mhoffman at adobe.com>
http://twitter.com/maxwellhoffmann -  
http://www.linkedin.com/in/maxwellhoffmann  blogs.adobe.com/techcomm
Upcoming webinars http://adobe.ly/Pbz6xI    Recorded webinars: 

On 21-Feb-13 10:08 PM, Karen Robbins wrote:
Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but I just noticed that I cannot set 
custom zoom levels in FM 11. Why was the functionality of the old dialog box 
(or whatever it was called) removed? And no, I don't mean typing into the 
percentage/drop-down box--you know, the one that doesn't even look like an 
entry field until it is rolled over or clicked in. If I had to type the size 
every time I needed to change zoom level, I'd have the slowest workflow on the 

Seriously, are users expected to modify an .ini file just to set zoom-level 
settings? (I understand from Shmuel's tip on Rocky Mountain Training's blog 
that it's maker.ini line 95.) Most technical writers/editors are not 
programmers and are neither comfortable nor familiar with modifying application 
files this way. Seems dangerous for workgroups. Isn't that what user interfaces 
are for?



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