?  Thanks for pointing me to the file properties. I'm a Mac person, there is 
much in Windows I don't know. :-) The files are now identified as Frame 11 
files (not Frame 9), and in the properties they are set to open with Frame 11.

Actually, it is not part of the files themselves ... it is a setting within 
Windows. I.e., files with those particular extensions (i.e., the ".fm" and 
".book") are now associated with a specific application executable to be used 
to "open" them. Since it is a specific executable, you can select which 
application will "open" the file.

You could set the executable to be some binary file editor for example! Would 
have an unexpected outcome, of course, but that is how it would work.

As a sidebar: this is different in UNIX systems - the file contains information 
about how it is to be run, etc., in the initial few bits. This is typically 
what is examined by the "files *" command in UNIX to tell you what the file 
is/does (since the concept of an extension is mostly meaningless in UNIX ... a 
file is a file is a file!).

Since OSX is a UNIX derivative, I wonder if it behaves more like UNIX in this 

?  I'm using a virtual Windows 7 machine (via Parallels), where Windows and Mac 
share everything--it's supposed to be seamless. If I double-click on these 
files from within the Windows Explorer, they now open with v11; but when I do 
it from the Mac desktop, they still try to open with v9.

That is the behavior I would expect.

?  Apparently anything set on the Windows side does NOT seamlessly translate to 
the Mac side. The same file's properties, when viewed on the Mac, still show v9 
specified. Discussion for another support list, I guess ;-).

Maybe I am belaboring the point a bit now :), but this is because the 
properties/settings for these files are an OS issue ... unrelated to the fact 
that they are FrameMaker files, or which version of the FrameMaker application 
is to be used, etc.

Hope this helps,

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