On 2013-Jul-09 2:40 PM, Melissa Clark wrote:
> Hi,
> I?m writing today to query others about the Standard versus High 
> Quality Print options under the PDF Setup in Adobe FrameMaker and 
> Distiller.
> The various PDF job options are being evaluated internally.  In 
> particular (and what I?m asking about now), in PDF Setup ?> Settings 
> ?> PDF Job Options, some use ?Standard,? while others use ?High 
> Quality Print? (same setting in Distiller).  Based on what I have been 
> told, there is no reason (benefit) to using High Quality Print (versus 
> Standard) even in docs that use more screenshots and/or pictures, and 
> my understanding is that High Quality Print results in a larger file 
> size.  (I have been using High Quality Print for years.)
> My question is whether using Standard (instead of High Quality Print) 
> results in any detrimental effect.
> For reference, here is some information from Adobe:
> Standard
> ? For desktop printers or digital copiers, published on CD or sent to 
> client as publishing proof ? Uses compression/downsampling to reduce 
> file size ? Embeds subsets of fonts, converts colors to sRGB, prints 
> medium resolution, windows font subsets not embedded by default ? 
> Opened in Acrobat and Reader 6.0 and later High Quality Print ? 
> Quality printing on desktop printers and proofing devices ? 
> Downsamples color and grayscale images to 300ppi and monochrome to 
> 1200ppi ? Embeds subsets of fonts, leaves colors unchanged, does not 
> flatted transparency ? Opened in Acrobat and Reader 5.0 and later
> For what it?s worth, I am using Adobe FrameMaker 9 and 10 and Distiller 8.
> Any feedback on what others have found while using High Quality Print 
> versus Standard would be greatly appreciated.
This is a very old presentation by the most informed PDF guru I've ever 
encountered; I think the tables that begin on page 68 are still valid, 

Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
3781 Victoria Park Avenue, Unit 3
Toronto, ON, Canada  M1W 3K5
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325


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