Open the FrameMaker/Fminit/Config/customui.cfg file in a text editor and add
these lines:

<Modify MoveIPToCellAtRight <KeySequence /Right >>
<Modify MoveIPToCellAtLeft <KeySequence /Left >>
<Modify MoveIPToCellAbove <KeySequence /Up >>
<Modify MoveIPToCellBelow <KeySequence /Down >>

Quit and restart FrameMaker. Then you should be able to navigate cells using
the arrow keys. If you want the target cell selected when you move to it,
you may have to substitute one of the other table commands. Here is a list
of them:

<Command MoveIPToCellAtRight
        <Label Move IP To Cell At Right>
        <KeySequence \!tmr>
        <Definition \xFB1>>

<Command MoveIPToCellAtLeft
        <Label Move IP To Cell At Left>
        <KeySequence \!tml>
        <Definition \xFB2>>

<Command MoveIPToCellAbove
        <Label Move IP To Cell Above>
        <KeySequence \!tmu>
        <Definition \xFB3>>

<Command MoveIPUpAndSelectText
        <Label Move IP Up And Select Text>
        <KeySequence \!tmua>
        <Definition \xFB3 \xFA4>>

<Command MoveIPToCellBelow
        <Label Move IP To Cell Below>
        <KeySequence \!tmd>
        <Definition \xFB4>>

<Command MoveIPDownAndSelectText
        <Label Move IP Down And Select Text>
        <KeySequence \!tmda>
        <Definition \xFB4 \xFA4>>

<Command MoveIPToLeftmostCell
        <Label Move IP To Leftmost Cell>
        <KeySequence \!tma>
        <Definition \xFB5>>

<Command MoveIPToRightmostCell
        <Label Move IP To Rightmost Cell>
        <KeySequence \!tme>
        <Definition \xFB6>>

<Command MoveIPToNextCell
        <Label Move IP To Next Cell>
        <KeySequence \!tmn>
        <Definition \xFB7>>

<Command MoveIPToPreviousCell
        <Label Move IP To Previous Cell>
        <KeySequence \!tmp>
        <Definition \xFB8>>

<Command MoveIPToColumnTop
        <Label Move IP To Column Top>
        <KeySequence \!tmt>
        <Definition \xFB9>>

<Command MoveIPToColumnBottom
        <Label Move IP To Column Bottom>
        <KeySequence \!tmb>
        <Definition \xFBA>>

<Command MoveIPToTopLeftCell
   <Label Move IP To Top Left Cell>
   <KeySequence \!tmT>
   <Definition \xFB9 \xFB5>
   <Mode All>>

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing Inc.
rick at

[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Syed Zaeem Hosain
(Syed.Hosain at
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 7:26 PM
To: Alison Craig; Fred Ridder; framers at
Subject: RE: Cursor key navigation in tables

The sequence "<Escape>tmda" will move the Insertion Point down one cell and
highlight the text in it.

The sequence "<Escape>tmd" (i.e., without the 'a') is support to just move
the Insertion Point down one cell. But it does not seem to work ... :(

And, of course, "<Escape>tmua" goes up one cell. Again, for some reason
unknown to me, "<Escape>tmu" does not work ...

What I have not been able to figure out is how to tie the arrow keys to this
sequence of keystroke when in cells. None of the above sequences are short
enough ... the arrow keys are the way to do it.

FWIW, this is also one of _my_ pet peeves with FrameMaker . and it is one
thing that Word gets right, annoyingly.


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