Today I had something happen which has happened to me in the past... and I'm 
wondering if by moaning about it to the list, I can stop it ever ever happening 
again :)

Basically, after tweaking a paragraph format in one of my chapters,
I selected all the chapter files in my book, did File > Import, making sure I 
selected the right "Import From..." file,
and imported my tweaked paragraph format throughout the book...

...only to be heard wailing and gnashing my teeth moments later, when it turned 
out that loads of my *other* paragraph formats had now been over-written with 
ancient versions that I thought I'd fixed days ago! /sighs/

The thing is, I'm completely baffled as to how this happened.
Earlier in the week, I'd carefully tweaked those formats, and imported them 
throughout the whole book...... but it seems they were still lurking in the 
chapter I tweaked today, and so now they're back!
How can this be? I had all the chapter files open when I did the imports, I 
saved them all afterwards! I didn't see any error messages.

This is by no means the first time this has happened to me over the years.
Anyone have any suggestions as to the cause?
I wondered if it was something to do with a format being in the catalogue, but 
not actually having any instances of itself in use on a body page...

A related problem is with character formats that have certain fields set to "As 
I find that this doesn't work properly for Font Size.
Say for example, I decide to tweak an existing character style in one chapter 
file, for instance to make hyperlinks blue... and I save it as a new style 
called Hyperlink. I have Font Size set to "As Is" (but the text I was editing 
was 8 point) .....
I insert that character style into the definition for a Cross Ref format, so 
all those cross refs are blue throughout my book
.....when I import these character & Cross Ref styles throughout the book, 
Hyperlink  doesn't come in as "As Is", it is resolutely set to 8pt. Thus all my 
cross refs shrink to 8pt text. Arrrgh!

I find the only way to avoid this is to create a new character style from 
scratch, without the cursor over any current text, and never touch the Font 
Size drop down, just leave it blank.... That way it really does work as "As Is".
Anyone else seen this behaviour?



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