At 06:18 -0500 11/10/13, Davis, David wrote:

>Basically, after tweaking a paragraph format in one of my chapters,
>I selected all the chapter files in my book, did File > Import, making sure I 
>selected the right "Import From?" file,
>and imported my tweaked paragraph format throughout the book?
>?only to be heard wailing and gnashing my teeth moments later, when it turned 
>out that loads of my *other* paragraph formats had now been over-written with 
>ancient versions that I thought I'd fixed days ago! /sighs/


I've always found that when trying to change only one format throughout a book, 
it's best to create a 'seed' document that contains only the format you want to 
apply. Easily done by purging the relevant catalog.

I also endorse what has been said here about SiliconPrairie tools.


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