This is not all of them, but includes some of the more useful.


David Creamer

IDEAS Training




From: [] On Behalf Of Peter Gold
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2016 8:01 AM
To: David Creamer <>; Monique Semp 
Cc: Framers (E-mail) <>
Subject: Re: [Framers] tip - Save All Files (in a .book)


Thanks for the useful follow-up, David. 


I don't have the link to the complete list of FrameMaker keyboard shortcuts 
handy, but perhaps you or someone else on the list has it and can post it. 
IIRC, there are also some of KB commands that aren't documented, or that were 
dropped in later compilations of the list, but still may work. 


One that comes to mind is Freeze Pagination, Esc p Z I think it was, which 
disconnected all the connected text frames in a document, for the purpose of 
being able to insert supplementary or change pages, without affecting 
pagination. Its downside was disrupting lots of other stuff in the doc.



On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 9:23 AM, David Creamer < 
<> > wrote:

The Shift key short cut works with books and even if you have multiple
(non-book) documents open.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc f S (Think file menu>Save)

After saving all open files, you can then close all files using the same
Shift key technique.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc f C


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