Reiterating what John and Robert said.

I too often see people who love their technology and see it as the solution to every problem. When all you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail.

There are very good reasons for unstructured content, that can just as easily be marked up into HTML or produced as pdf, help,... Just as there are very good reasons for using structured content. There are probably equal numbers of reasons for not using either.

Structured content, for them that have been doing this multiple decades, is not progress but a range of alternatives (GML has been around since the 1960's).


On 29/07/16 8:13 am, wrote:
> I have the tool doing the driving instead of the
> requirement.
> If I want interesting, I'll go white water rafting. It's mind-sets like
> this that cause $10,000.00 projects to get budgeted at $100,00.00

On 29/07/16 8:42 am, wrote:
Structured is the right way to do if it is the right way to go...not
because it is structured.

John X Posada
AVP | Global Risk Analytics | HSBC North America Holdings Inc
330 Madison Ave., NY NY


On 29/07/16 8:58 am, Robert Lauriston wrote:
> Structured markup has been around longer than the web, PDFs, online
> help, or personal computers.
> Since you make your living from structured content, I'm not going to
> waste time explaining why it's not the best choice for every set of
> requirements, and why people are still creating interesting and useful
> unstructured tools.

Dr Alan Litchfield
PO Box 1941
Auckland, New Zealand 1140

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