As far back as I can remember, the lore was that those error numbers only
had meaning to whomever created the message. There were no specific fixes.

My old troubleshooting mind remembers when tweaking some resource settings
in early Windows releases sometimes helped fix application problems. I
don't know if Windows 7 offers any such options.

Also, although it's an FM error, perhaps there's a Windows system failure
log message that could offer some information about the cause.

If you haven't tried uninstalling and selectively reinstalling plug-ins
one-by-one, it might be worth a try.


On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 1:51 PM, Lin Sims <> wrote:

> Anyone know what these errors refer to? I have a file that frequently
> crashes Frame, and this was the latest series of internal errors it gave
> me.
> I did do a MIF wash and noticed one odd thing: Frame has renamed the color
> Black to fm_gen_###### when I save to the MIF file. If I  edit those
> definitions back to Black in the MIF file and resave as Frame, the
> definitions stay the same in the MIF file, but Frame once more renames the
> color to fm_gen_###### (different numbers this time). It also renames the
> color in one (but only one) of the condition tags it's used in.
> The file is a large one (18.4 Mb) and has 18 figures embedded in it (not my
> choice, but there is no choice), several of which are affected by
> conditions, 16 tables, conditions galore (18), and loads of
> cross-references. It's been giving me fits for several months now, to the
> point where I literally created a new Frame file and copied and pasted all
> the text as plain text and reformatted it, and reimported all the graphics.
> It behaved for about 2 months and is now crashing all over again.
> I expect to be working with this set of files daily for the next 6 months
> at least. I cannot afford to lose the time it takes to crash, recover,
> mif-wash, etc., etc., etc., that this is taking up.
> Suggestions gratefully (and exhaustedly) received.
> Pertinents:
> Windows 7, all patches applied
> FrameMaker 2015, latest patches applied
> Plugins: AutoText, TableCleaner (DLL, not script)
> 2 home-brewed scripts: save all files in book to selected MIF formats; add
> Table Continuation variable to all tables in a file
> --
> Lin Sims
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