I must be missing something here, or misunderstanding what you are trying
to do. A cross-reference is a hyperlink. If you are using a specific
paragraph tag for your target, why not just use a cross-reference?

Or you could use Glossary markers. Matt Sullivan has a good section
explaining how to set up Glossary Terms and Glossary Definitions (marker
types you'd have to create) in his FrameMaker Working with Content book (
https://techcommtools.com/books/). That one is for 2017, but he's putting
out one for 2020 soon.

On Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 1:40 PM Bertrand Meyer <bertrand.me...@inf.ethz.ch>

> This is a novice question. In fact I am not a novice as I have been using
> FrameMaker extensively for many years, but I have not used intra-document
> hyperlinks so far, jut  cross-references (lots and lots  of them).
> What I want to do now is simple to state: have text of the form
>                 Blah blah this is some text and that is a pointer to some
> other part of the text
> where pointer (using a specific character format, in this case causing
> underlining) is a hyperlink or equivalent so that in the generated PDF
> clicking it will go to some designated target place in the text.
> I am used to cross-references, as in
>                 ... This was discussed in section 4.5, page 67, of the
> previous chapter ...
> but they only make it possible to have a source that is a reference format;
> as far as I know they do not make it possible to have as source of the
> hyperlink an arbitrary word, such as "pointer" above.
> I also know how to create a hyperlink, putting a "gotolink XXX" Hypertext
> marker under pointer (the source location) and another of the form "newlink
> XXX" at the target location.
> But this is horrible because I need to invent a new label ("XXX") for every
> single target, and insert "newlink XXX" at the corresponding place. I have
> -- literally -- thousands such locations; inserting them would consume
> several days of my life, spent in a silly way since there is no conceptual
> need for these markers.
> (The text, by the way, is the revision of the Eiffel standard of which the
> previous version is at
> https://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-367.htm. If
> you look up the text you will see that it has thousands of underlined
> elements, e.g. unfolded form in the last bullet item on page 97. They
> correspond to concepts defined formally elsewhere in the text. At the
> moment
> one has to look them up in the index, or perform a search. They should be
> hyperlinks! Hence the question.)
> The reason it is pointless to have to insert "newlink XXX" all over the
> place is that since the hyperlinks always go to tart paragraphs of specific
> types ("formats"). (I fanatically use FrameMaker paragraph-typing
> mechanisms.) I just want to link to a specific paragraph of a specific
> type,
> choosing it from the automatically list, as I do with cross-references.
> Is there a way to do this?
> I am using FrameMaker 2015, although I will soon update to the latest
> version.
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions and best regards,
> -- Bertrand Meyer
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