Dnia środa, 28 marca 2007, Thomas Wood napisał:

> In addition to the fields that iCalendar gives us (date, time, contact,
> etc.), we will need some extra encoded information:
> Entry types
>   - SMS


>   - Call

With type as 'GSM, VoIP' call?

>   - Voice Message

> Extra Call information
>   - Duration

>   - Type: Received, Dialled
>   - Missed flag

I would join them into Received, Dialled, Missed.
Optionally add "Dialled, not answered on other side".

>   - "Read" flag

> Extra SMS information
>   - "Read" flag

- "Delivered" flag (GSM provide delivery raports)

> The idea is to build this functionality into a new light-weight library
> that will hide the complexities of libecal. The API for this library
> will need to be very simple and easy to use, as it will be used in
> several applications across OpenMoko (contacts, dialer, gsmd). 

> Here are some use cases:

> * Add new entry
> * Remove entry
> * Mark entry (e.g. SMS or Missed Call) as "read"

* Mark SMS/MMS as delivered (and optionally store datetime of delivery)

> * Search Use Cases
>    - Find all "unread" missed calls
>    - Find all "unread" SMS

- find all sent sms/mms
- find all read sms/mms

>    - Last 10 entries for Person
>    - All dialled numbers

- All received numbers
- All missed numbers

JID: hrw-jabber.org
OpenEmbedded developer/consultant

       Wszystko, co naprawdę lubię robić, jest albo niemoralne, 
       albo nielegalne, albo tuczące.      [Alexander Woolcott]
JID: hrw-jabber.org
OpenEmbedded developer/consultant

   Programming consists of 50% planning, 50% coding and 30% mathematics

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