Dnia środa, 28 marca 2007, Thomas Wood napisał:
> Marcin Juszkiewicz wrote:
> > Dnia środa, 28 marca 2007, Thomas Wood napisał:
> >> In addition to the fields that iCalendar gives us (date, time,
> >> contact, etc.), we will need some extra encoded information:
> >>
> >> Entry types
> >>   - SMS
> >
> > - SMS/MMS
> Do we treat these separately, or just a special type of "Message"
> entry? We could add e-mail as another Message type too.

I would keep SMS/MMS as one type and email as second one.

> >>   - Voice Message
> >>
> >> Extra Call information
> >>   - Duration
> >>
> >>   - Type: Received, Dialled
> >>   - Missed flag
> >
> > I would join them into Received, Dialled, Missed.
> > Optionally add "Dialled, not answered on other side".
> I guess we could figure out if a call was missed or answered, because
> call duration will be 0. Having an extra flag may just help with speed.


> >>   - "Read" flag
> I should probably explain here, a "Read" call entry means that (for
> example) a missed call entry is no longer counted in current missed
> calls.

But it is still listed in missed calls.

> >> Extra SMS information
> >>   - "Read" flag
> >
> > - "Delivered" flag (GSM provide delivery raports)
> I don't know if delivery reports is something we want to keep in
> History?

Definitelly! I do not want to have another Nokia crap just because first 
letter is same. Ericsson, Alcatel phones implement delivery raports in 
proper way, Nokia totally fscked it. Each sent message (sms or mms) can 
contain request of delivery raport (with delivery time set up to 7 days). 
When phone gets raport it should inform user that message was delivered 
(and to whom and at what time) and then message in phone memory should be 
marked as delivered.

> >>    - Last 10 entries for Person
> >>    - All dialled numbers
> >
> > - All received numbers
> > - All missed numbers
> Where would these use cases be useful?

In my SE phone (and in Alcatel one) press of 'Red' button give me call 
list split to:

- all calls
- received calls
- dialled calls
- missed calls

And each entry has:

- icon of type of connection (rec/dial/miss)
- number type icon (cell, work, home, other or none if not in contacts)
- name of contact (or number if not in contacts)
- date time of call (in next line)

It is much more useful then 'last dialled' list provided in Nokia phones.

JID: hrw-jabber.org
OpenEmbedded developer/consultant

   Programming consists of 50% planning, 50% coding and 30% mathematics

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