Rob Miller wrote:
On Mar 13, 2006, at 12:21 PM, Sidnei da Silva wrote:

On Mon, Mar 13, 2006 at 12:03:52PM -0800, Rob Miller wrote:
| hmm... not sure i can, actually.  i'm very interested in getting this
| working, and i'll provide guidance and help, of course, but i expect
| i'll be pretty busy focusing on member management and general cmf 2.X
| related stuff, this may be more than i can commit to.
| sashav tried to get kapil's GenericSetup-based ContentSetup product
| working at the snow sprint, but failed, and ended up having better
| success w/ jens's XMLForest product.  maybe we can get more help from
| him.  and maybe i'll have more time than i think, who knows, but i
| would recommend against counting on me for this.

The advice I can provide here is that any framework that doesn't use
Archetypes marshallers is a waste of effort.

'Marshall' the product just enables to multiplex Archetypes 'marshall'
by moving policy about what marshaller to use outside the schema. It
is *not* a/the solution itself, it just allows different solutions to be
implemented on top of it.

The reason for using Archetypes marshaller infrastructure instead of
'<insert your own home cooked solution here>' is that:

1. It plays well with WebDAV and FTP
2. WebDAV and FTP are best ways to import and export content from
   Plone, if not because they are born to the task because using a
   browser just won't scale.
3. We at Enfold Systems are committed to make sure Zope 2 and Zope 3
   have efficient, memory-savy, speedy and featureful WebDAV and FTP
   experience, because It's Our Core Business (TM).

works for me.


Framework-Team mailing list

was there a non-marshall based IO piece suggested? iirc, everything talked about so far is based on marshall.



| david "whit" morriss | | contact :: "If you don't know where you are, you don't know anything at all" Dr. Edgar Spencer, Ph.D., 1995

"I like to write code like other ppl like to tune their cars or 10kW hifi equipment..."

Christian Heimes, 2004

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