Raphael Ritz wrote:
> First, I think we should really encourage the SoC projects by
> defining a time line and process that offers the **possibility**
> of getting results from SoC projects into the 3.0 release.

My intention here was to give all the SoC projects a clear statement
that their code should really be ready by the end of the SoC project and
not some weeks or month after it. They should not try to code something
they won't be able to finish in that time, or otherwise I fear those
things will end up in a half-finished form and students will loose interest.

> WRT the role of the framework team:
> It is my understanding that our role/duty as FWT members is
> code review and decisions or recommendations for ONE release:
> not more and not less; no cheerleading or whatever else.

Personally I have to add that I don't do cheerleading of any kind
because I have just no idea about how the CMS market looks like, what
people expect from a CMS nowadays or any real world use-cases apart from
my one company intranet that still runs on Plone 1.0.5 because people
did not demand more than that (which just changed a couple of days ago,
so I have to finally do the painful migration to 2.1 ;) If it were the
job of the framework team to give this kind of feature recommendations
I'm not the right person for it. Judging about the technical merit and
the likelihood of something being maintained is something I can do.

Btw. I tried to document our development process on
There I tried to distinguish between the two things of voting about
PLIP's (that is ideas/features) which is done informally by all
developers (we currently have no real structure to this discussions on
plone-dev) and judging technical implementations and architectural
implications which is done in a formal way by the framework team.


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