Looks good!


Previously Martin Aspeli said:
> Sorry about delay... draft 2:
> Hello all,
> The Plone Framework team has, in consultation with the wider developer
> community, made an executive decision. :)
> Going forward, there is consensus that we should use Zope 3 style
> programming practices whenever possible. One part of that is that things
> that don't need to be Zope 2 products shouldn't live in in
> $INSTANCE_HOME/Products/ - instead, they should be simple Python
> packages, living in $INSTANCE_HOME/lib/python or somewhere else on the
> PYTHONPATH that Zope is given when it starts up.
> In doing so, we would like to impose the following guidelines for code
> that is part of Plone core.
>   I. Generic components without specific Plone dependencies live
> directly under the top-level 'plone' namespace. A good example is the
> the Zope3-style 'plone.i18n' (http://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/plone.i18n).
> It is desirable to factor out generic interfaces and code into such
> packages whenever possible, to foster re-use.
> Packages should have as few dependencies as possible. Thus, if
> plain-Python will do, that is better than plain-Zope 3, which is better
>   than code that depends on specific facets of Zope 2.
>   II. Extensions of such general components (or separate components)
> that provide a tighter integration with Plone-the-application should
> live in the secondary namespace 'plone.app'. See for example
> 'plone.app.i18n' (http://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/plone.app.i18n).
> Components that *need* to be Zope 2 products will most likely continue
> to live in $INSTANCE_HOME/Products still, at least for now. If possible
> (which it may not be), however, you should try to not depend on
> components being Zope 2 products.
>   III. Packages in the svn repository should follow modern Python
> guidelines and provide the necessary information to be packagable as eggs.
> The easiest way of achieving this is to use the ZopeSkel paste deploy
> script, as follows.
>   1. Download ez_setup.py from
> http://peak.telecommunity.com/dist/ez_setup.py
>   2. Run ez_setup.py in Python:
>    $ python ez_setup.py
> This will install the 'easy_install' program, normally to the Place
> where the Python binary is found. Look in the log messages of the
> installation script to see where they land. For more information, see
> http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall#installing-easy-install
>   3. Install ZopeSkel:
>    $ easy_install ZopeSkel==dev
> This will install Paste Deploy and the 'paster' script in the same
> location as easy_install (again, watch the terminal output) and some
> Zope skeletons to use with this tool. To see them, run:
>    $ paster create --list-templates
>   4. To create a basic Plone package, run:
>    $ paster create -t plone
> It will ask you a number of questions and then generate the basic
> package layout. When asked for a project name, use the dotted name of
> the package, e.g. 'plone.i18n'.
> To create a plone.app package instead, run
>    $ paster create -t plone_app
> When ready, import the package to the Plone svn repository.
> To learn more about setuptools, see
> http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools
> in particular, see
> http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools#development-mode
> Should you have any questions, please ask on the plone-developers list.
> Thanks!
> Martin & the rest of the Framework Team
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