On Thu, 2006-14-09 at 19:29 +0200, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
> I figured a quick status update might be useful. At this moment we have
> four reviews in:
>     PLIP 48 - session authentication
>     PLIP 121/122/171 - AZAX and Bling
>     PLIP 148 - CMF 2.1
>     PLIP 179 - commenting 
> we have 11 days until we must have reviews for all bundles. That is less
> than two weeks away!

I've slotted this weekend to make some good progress on my plips.
Hopefully Martin will be around :)

> I'm thinking of posting a (expanded) version of this update to
> plone-developers this weekend in order to keep everyone informed of our
> status and get the message out there that people are actively working on
> Plone 3.0.  Any objections to that?

Fine with me.

- Rocky

Rocky Burt
ServerZen Software -- http://www.serverzen.com
News About The Server (blog) -- http://www.serverzen.net

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