Rocky Burt wrote:
On Sat, 2006-23-09 at 22:10 +0100, Martin Aspeli wrote:
  #4: Prevent over-complication
This goal unfortunately hasn't been met very well.  In my opinion the
new mechanics of integrating Zope 3 CA techniques used in this plip have
increased the complication of setting up portlets by several magnitudes.
Of course it wasn't hard to do this since the current method of defining
portlets and setting them up is extremely simple.  This goal has not
been adequately met.
I kind of contest this point. If you want to make portlets the old way (a template), there is no difference. The only difference is that instead of going to the ZMI and editing a property, you add a "classic portlet" from within the Plone UI and point it at your template.

I didn't really specify here in my goal but I was describing
complication in usage and in implementation.  It took me quite a while
longer to understand what goes where and what adapter uses this (this
complication tends to be a known aspect of zope3) with the plip.
Compare that with "make a zpt called portlet_fetcher that checks the
properties and loads appropriate macros" and it seems a lot more

Of course I'm well aware of the fact that the previous approach wasn't
testable all that jazz so I do understand the virtue in the new
approach. So in my mind this was a necessary complication.

Oh, sure - yes.

Hopefully, the README.txt in the plone.portlets package (which is pure Zope 3) will explain how things fit together, but I completely understand that there are more moving parts now to consider.

However, the average Plone developer/integrator will never see any of that. For us maintaining it, it's at least well-tested and documented through interfaces and READMEs. Being familiar with how content providers and viewlets work also helps. One of the things I did discover during this work was that the portlets use case is actually more complex than I first thought.

Anything I do can help clarify, please let me know. :)


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