Thanks Danny,

There have been various good ideas about how to improve the process. I
think right now we need to focus on finishing the release, but we
should definitely capture the lessons learned afterwards and write up
a clearer process, including some guidance on appropriate tools.

Matt Bowen has volunteered to help drive this, and Andreas and others
(including me) want to help here as well.


On 18/02/2008, Danny Bloemendaal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have been thinking (yes, I try that occasionally) and I must say
> that we really need some sort of better tooling for the entire review
> process. It is all too scattered if you ask me. I really don't know
> where I have to find what I need to know for reviewing.,
> track, svn, plone-devevelopers@, framework-team@ etc etc,  I need one
> place where I can find everything there is to know:
> * which releases are there and
> * which plips do we have to review for this release
> * which deadlines are there
> * who are the reviewers (ok, not so necessary but for completeness...)
> * discussion threads for each plip during the review in ONE PLACE
> * status overview of the review process
> * instructions per plip on how to checkout, review, what to look for etc
> * ....
> It may sound like 'cursing in the church' (pardon my dutch) but many
> of the modern forum tools out there already allow you to do all this.
> You could set it up where each release is a forum with some sticky
> posts listing the plips with urls to the plip definition and threads
> for each plip in the release. Then each plip can have it's own
> discussion. We could add a few sticky posts with process status and
> other information needed for each release and each plip. Given the low
> amount of plips per release I think that a forum isn't so bad. The
> problem with Trac is that you always have to do queries to get to the
> data you need and you never know if you haven't missed anything. I
> always have a feeling of drowning in Trac-like tools.
> It may seem strange to suggest this but at least we don't have to re-
> invent something ourselves. It's easy to set up and I even think that
> ploneboard should support this from the start. I certainly would
> volunteer (with some help) to set up such a board or... when people
> have even better ideas, to help implement that. In any way, we have to
> improve on this and I really don't think it is hard to do :))
> Danny.
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