Wichert Akkerman wrote:
Previously Martin Aspeli wrote:
For example, I think we are missing a trick currently with the way we manage maintenance releases. We do a good job of setting deadlines and not missing them by too much. What we don't do, is build any sense of urgency or importance around getting things done for those deadlines.

We give people windows to hit if they happen to have something "in progress". This consists of one or two emails to the list. That's only half the story though. We need to think much more constructively about the process people go about in getting something going in the first place, and encouraging that.

I'm hoping that plonenext can help a bit with that. If people make a new
release the release manager can include that in plonenext, which makes
it immediately available to people developing against that. I have long
wanted a way to motivate people to make releases when they are ready
instead of only when I send out a call for releases. I'm hoping
plonenext will help with that.

plonenext will definitely help with that, but that wasn't quite what I meant. This still assumes that people are actually in the middle of working on something that they want to release.

Now, of course that happens some of the time, when there are external drivers, such as customer projects that spin off generic components. However, we are not doing enough to get people to start working on contributions in good time.

On past experience, there are a few things that make this happen:

- Setting a deadline. This is a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition. No-one does anything unless there's a deadline. However, by the time the deadline is set, it's usually too late to *start* working on something, so something has to be in progress (conversely, the deadline is too far in the future, it doesn't feel like a deadline and gets forgotten about).

I think this is in danger of happening for 3.3. Ask how many people feel like there's a deadline coming up, and ask how many people feel they have a responsibility to get something done for that deadline. I suspect you won't get many replies.

- Setting a shared vision. I think this is what Jon is talking about. We have talked about (and have even put into practice) having loosely defined "themes" for a release, e.g. 3.2 is the "eggs" release. These discussions tend to be led by a few people, e.g. you (Wichert), Alex, Hanno, me. I think possibly could have some conventions for making these discussions happen, e.g. a way to propose and then discuss themes.

By the way, I suggest we call Plone 4.0 "Snow Plone" (like Snow Leopard, geddit?).

- Following up. Ask people how they're getting on. Make them feel like what they're doing actually matters to other people. Alex has done this in the past, but this is a bit too ad-hoc. The framework team could feasibly do this for submitted PLIPs, but there's often a need to do this before we have PLIPs also. I think this process has to be informal, but we should encourage more of it.

- Lavish praise. If someone does something for Plone out of their spare time, be that to fix a bug, contribute a feature, do some pre-release testing, or documentation, or whatever - make them understand that their contributions are appreciated by the whole community. If someone makes a mistake, don't shoot them down for it, but rather try to be constructive and appreciate that their feelings probably will be hurt if we revert their changes. Sometimes we have to, of course, but the way in which that message is delivered is an important determinant for whether that person contributes again.

- Sprints! Making the best use of sprints is vital. We tend to lurch forward during a sprint. The ideal sprint, IMHO, is one that has a clear goal (the Baarn sprints have been great like that) and an appropriate mix of people who are motivated to work towards that goal. We then find that 80% of the functionality gets completed at the sprint, and the remaining 20% gets done later.

We've talked a bit about aligning releases to sprints. We should probably do it the other way too: align sprints to releases, or at least to desirable releases. For example, we could say that our aim is to have a "UI Sprint" each year for each release, and a "Release sprint" just before each release to squash bugs and tidy up loose ends, and then an "R&D Sprint" once a year or so to try out crazy things.

I don't think that overly formalising sprints will help (or work), but we can probably just structure what we have slightly better.


Author of `Professional Plone Development`, a book for developers who
want to work with Plone. See http://martinaspeli.net/plone-book

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