(Catching up on months of accumulated e-mail ...)

Re: ownership, code quality, developer departures and arrivals, learning curves, sprints and the various other subjects raised within this thread:

I tend be absent from the community for weeks/months at a time, I pay little attention to stats, I don't intend to rank products or documentation, and I don't (can't) bury my head in code.

From this pleasant distance, and over the years:

* I see great mixes of people within and beyond formal team structures
* I see Plone improving _significantly_ and with _consideration_
* I see equal (probably greater) improvements in products for Plone
* I see _and meet_ people who are passionate about Plone.

The four points above are enormously positive. Give yourselves a pat on the back.

Voting processes, mapping people to perceived gaps, etc. will naturally bring frustrations and concerns to the surface. Don't let the negatives shape your reactions to things. Be aware that you're widely and highly appreciated :)

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