#7822: Make standard file content types use ZODB BLOB support
 Reporter:  limi            |        Owner:  witsch  
     Type:  PLIP            |       Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major           |    Milestone:  4.0     
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:          
 Keywords:  focusarea       |  

Comment(by witsch):

 Replying to [comment:34 erikrose]:
 > I'm curious how the "subtyping" is implemented;

 it's using the same idea: dynamically adding and removing marker
 interfaces (using `alsoProvides` and `noLongerProvides`).  however, most
 of `p4a.subtyper` is about adding a UI for letting the user pick a
 particular subtype.  this wasn't needed here, and the
 helpers to add & remove interfaces] were only a few lines anyway...

 > if this PLIP proposes adding a whole subtyping framework of some kind to
 Plone 4, then that's worth a consideration of the capability/complexity

 i think calling it a framework might be a bit too much.  like i said, all
 it does is to add some interfaces, and that's currently only done when
 creating new instances, too.  however, these interfaces are then used to
 modify the content items' schematas using
 archetypes.schemaextender], thereby introducing that dependency.

 this is because the idea of the whole blob approach was to ultimately only
 have one "binary" content type, which can then expose different
 "behaviours" depending on the actual content.  iow, pdfs, pictures, cd rom
 images, videos, mp3s, installers etc would not need special content types
 anymore (making migration and other things painful), but merely have a
 different representation (think flash video players etc).  and modifying
 the schema is actually part of this, since for example the primary fields
 of "File" and "Image" content items need different widgets, validators and
 other settings...

Ticket URL: <https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/7822#comment:36>
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