Hi Martin,
On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 4:07 PM, Martin Aspeli
> wrote:

> Rob Gietema wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm currently working on TinyMCE for Plone 4 and would like some feedback
>> on two issues:
> Yay! I'm using it in a project right now, and really like it.
>  1) The current code base is located in the Collective. Since TinyMCE will
>> be the default editor in Plone 4 should I move (copy) the code base to Plone
>> SVN?
> +0
> This means the copyright transfers to the Foundation, so if anyone other
> than you worked on it, you may need their approval.

This shouldn't be an issue at all since 99.9% of the code is done by me,
just some small bugfixes by others who also have commit access to Plone SVN
and I'm sure won't mind.

>  2) I'm currently using the Products namespace for the package. Would it be
>> better to switch to the plone(.app) namespace for Plone 4 (and keep the
>> Products.TinyMCE for Plone 3)?
> -1 if it'll break imports for people who've got Products.TinyMCE now and
> upgrade.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't find any usecase where someone would
want to import something from Products.TinyMCE.

+0 otherwise.
> Martin

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