On 9/10/09 16:57 , Martin Aspeli wrote:
I don't think anyone's yet built a good composite form solution. I
suspect that z3c.form at least has the power to let you do so in a way
that's going to end up being usable by mere mortals, even if it errs a
little on the side of generalisation in providing hooks to those solving
that rather complex use case.

Unfortunately I strongly feel that z3c.form is based on a basic principle I disagree with: it tries to support everything you may want to do in a form. As a result it has become a large and complex framework that can handle many things, but not something I enjoy using. I prefer simple things that do very little, but allow me to easily extend them whenever I need something non standard. For me something between repoze.formapi and FormEncode is ideal. I do see that z3c.form can be very useful for environments such as Plone, but it does mean that I am not going to put a much energy into improving it as my interests lie elsewhere. z3c.form can be cleaned up without too much work, but someone else will need to champion that effort.


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