On Sep 28, 2009, at 2:51 AM, Alexander Limi wrote:

On Fri, 25 Sep 2009 12:29:08 -0700, Steve McMahon <st...@dcn.org> wrote:

Unfortunately, the situation is *much worse* than Marie indicates, as the roadmap page is completely obsolete and outdated since we switched to trac. It's more than a bit embarrassing that we link to it from the home page.

We should have something better, but meanwhile, what should we do with the
old roadmap page? It may be useful to some as a historical artifact.

The idea (at least for now) is to point it to the Trac roadmap page, and do a bit better job with the release descriptions there.

Eric Steele and Yours Truly have volunteered for this task, but we didn't want to do it until 3.3 was out. Now it is, and the old roadmap page can be retired.

I don't think we need to involve Mark and others in this particular case — they have much more important things they could be spending their time on — but we can definitely do much better than we're doing right now.

If nothing has happened by the end of this week, feel free to call us out on it. :)

FWIW, I ticketed the moving of PLIPs (http://dev.plone.org/plone.org/ticket/1588 ) and offered a 2 beer bounty for it because I just didn't have the available time to do that migration myself. Israel has been kind enough to get that started. Hopefully we can have that done by the end of the week.

I'd also point out that, at least on a specific level, we don't actually know what's going to be in Plone 4 yet. If users are looking a concrete feature list, they've got at least another week to wait. I'm happy to tell them what *may* show up, but that tends to only lead to disappointment when feature X doesn't make it... and as it is, 85% are wondering why there's no Deco in Plone 4. ;)

Alex and I will be doing a bit of sprinting on Friday to get this up to snuff. Personally, I'm all in favor of having some of the marketing folks have a go at what we come up with -- I'm told I'm not a particularly sunny individual.


"Plone 4: It's Plone 3, but with some of the stuff from what used to be Plone 4. No, there's no Deco. Stop asking."
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