On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 12:07 AM, Martin Aspeli
<optilude+li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 21 October 2010 22:55, Chris Calloway <c...@unc.edu> wrote:
>> On 10/6/2010 2:17 PM, Jon Stahl wrote:
>>> We already have mass upload, via collective.uploadify.
>>> We seem to have at least some work on mass download, via
>>> http://plone.org/products/zipfiletransport
>>> I'm sure both could use refinement.
>>>> And search/replace-all TTW.
>>> http://plone.org/products/goreplace
>>> Seems like all of these could benefit from some
>>> attention/love/polishing/PLIPing.
>> These are all add-on products, not Plone. Plone already does these
>> things via WebDAV. Taking WebDAV away means taking this function out of
>> Plone and having to install products to get the function back, which
>> leads to pain when products stop getting attention/love/polishing as
>> they do. And these kinds of things are core to content management, not
>> really add-on behavior.
> I think the point was that *if* we decide to (have to?) drop WebDAV
> support, we'd need to integrate these products or something like them
> into Plone proper as a replacement for functionality we currently
> support in the core.

Exactly.  :-)  By "PLIPing" I meant "writing a PLIP and doing the work
necessary to polish these to the standard of quality necessary for
inclusion in the core, if that is possible/superior to reimplementing
from scratch."

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