hey sore eyes,

 insults and negative facts about his art have nothing to do with his arguments 
or assertions. try to argue the points and resist your urge to lash out. 
critical analysis of art is important but that's not what this thread was 
> On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 6:11 PM, Melissa <melissapar...@comcast.net> wrote:
> The FU was pretty weak in my mind.  What was worse was slamming someones art 
> work because you don't agree with their statements on technology changes 
> etc...  How are we to create community where people feel safe to have heated 
> discussions if we get abusive.  If we want more people to contribute we must 
> think about this. Anger and passion are  fine but being mean just ain't 
> cool....
> Sent from my Samsung Replenish
> But I did take a look at his "Art". My eyes still sore. Pass the Visine,
> Sent from my Gatorade Replenish
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