Hi Kevin,
I work at a transfer service and we used the DVX100 in film chains for
years before upgrading to our MWA FlashscanHD. The image quality from the
DVX from 8mm/Super-8 can be quite good!
The difficult part will be how to get the image from the projector gate to
the camera sensor...
We used Buhl Multiplexers and Biplexers:
(Not our website, just a good google result)
We also used projectors with higher quality glass than the Eumigs I have
worked with. For R8 we used Bolex M-8 with a pristine HiFi 25mm 1.3 and a
GS-1200 with a really nice 1.2 / 25-50mm.
We occasionally setup a Eumig dual-gauge for R8 CoMag Sound and went
through a number of Eumig lenses and were never happy with any of them
compared to the Bolex HiFi.
That said, with good glass and a good aerial imaging device (Buhl), the
image quality was very good in 85% of the frame with a little fall-off of
both illumination and focus at the edges.
The bigger problem for us with the film-chain approach was the loose
(non-existent) sync between the projector and the capture camera.
We did not have problems with sync-roll or flicker (using the DVX
synchro-scan to dial those out) but we did get blended frames where two
film frames hit the same video frame and that really pushed us to find a
scanning system with real sync between the film frame and capture sensor.
Moviestuff has a method to overcome the sync issue in a traditional
film-chain, but I think they exclusively work with GAF projectors:

-Google around, there are lots of forum threads on DIY options and tricks
and good luck on your project!
---Buck Bito - vtc-sf.com

On Tue, November 1, 2011 6:39 am, Kevin Timmins wrote:
> Hi all
> I purchased a eumig 610D duel film projector ages ago in the hope of
> making my own telecine machine. I have a Panasonic DVX100B camcorder for
> SD and a Canon 550D for HD I could could capture to. I've been meaning to
> start faffing about with this project for over a year now but haven't got
> around to it. Any ideas on the quality of images I could produce with the
> devices I have available? How could I get this to work... etc..?
> Kind RegardsKevin
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