*We Are Cinema: Ken Jacobs*
*Saturday February 18, 7PM*
Admission $6 – Artist in Person
reservation recommended at at r...@microscopegallery.com

In connection with the “We Are Cinema: 50 Years of the Film-Makers’
Cooperative” exhibit at Microscope Gallery, legendary filmmaker Ken Jacobs
presents an evening of his works including his early film “Blonde Cobra”
(1963) starring Jack Smith; “The Whirled” (1956-1963) also with Smith; and
his recent anaglyph 3D video “America at War, The Home Front: Film Opening”

Jacobs is one of the major forces in American avant garde cinema and has
been working with the moving image in a variety of forms for over 50 years.
“Blonde Cobra” is an “erratic narrative” as Jacobs has described it made
with footage from two of Jack Smith’s early abandoned films. The 16mm film
is a pivotal work in the history of independent film and Jonas Mekas
declared it “the masterpiece of Baudelairean cinema." Jacobs recent work
with digital anaglyph 3D relates to his more than 40 years exploration with
the possibility of three dimensional cinema both through his Nervous
Lantern System - involving 2 projectors each projecting the same film, a
single frame apart - and his more recent Nervous Magic Lantern, a device
that uses no film or video.

Ken Jacobs was born in Williamsburg Brooklyn.  He studied painting with the
abstract expressionist Hans Hoffman in the mid-1950s before he began making
films. Jacobs was an early member of the Film-Makers’ Cooperative;
Co-Founder of Millenium Film Workshop and Professor of the Department of
Cinema which he started at SUNY Binghamton in 1969.  Jacob’s film, video
and live performances are presented at film festivals, cinemas, and museums
worldwide including retrospectives at MoMA, Whitney Museum of American Art,
and the American Museum of the Moving Image. His groundbreaking Tom, Tom
the Piper’s Son (1969-71) was added to the Library of Congress’ National
Registry in 2007.

The evening is presented with the Film-Makers' Cooperative.
Upcoming: Jonas Mekas "Brith of a Nation" SAT 2/25 7PM
                New Additions to the Co-op SUN 3/4 7PM


MIcroscope Gallery
4 Charles Place (at Myrtle Ave btween Bushwick and Evergreen Aves)
Brooklyn, NY 11221

Nearest subway: J/M/Z - Myrtle/Broadway
or L Morgan or Jefferson Street

tel: 347.925.1433
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