To all Filmmakers:

The Millennium has been undergoing substantial changes in its space
and its organization.  As a result, we have been only having events
this winter and spring somewhat sporadically.  There has been a lot of
pent up energy here at the Millennium.  It is now time to release this
energy.  We are going to try to do as many shows as we can in June.
Some of these will be at other venues, so will be at the front room
here at the Millennium.

There are a lot of NYC filmmakers or those who would be in NYC who
want to show their work or curate something.  Now is the time to step
up and do something creative and interesting.  This is not a series of
open screenings (though we will have one in June).  People have to
have something interesting to present and should be able to discuss
what they are doing.

All those who are interested should email me at this address.  No
samples please.  Just tell us what you want us to do.  If it sounds
good and is feasible, we are going to do it.  If you know of people
who would like to do it, then let them know.

We plan to complement our regular curated program with this open
approach.  We are going to be aggressive in seeking out and
illuminating what artists and curators are doing NOW in the arts of
the moving image.

We are starting this off with Takahiko Iimura Friday 8:00pm at the
Millennium Gallery.  We are going to do four shows the next weekend
(TBA).  The intention is to step it

We don't have a budget to get prints.  Artists/curators will get a
split after our costs are paid.

The Millennium started with this free-flowing style of programming.
We are getting back to our roots, yet reinventing ourselves for today.
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