>> With that equipment list, the premise just doesn't work very well. The 
>> heyday of value for 16mm post stuff probably starts to poop out circa 1975, 
>> so it wasn't that expensive by 1980, and some of it is still used by people 
>> who deal with prints.
> So what were people editing 16mm film circa 1975?  Avids?  FCP?  3/4" video?

My point was about the market value of the equipment, which is not so much 
about what people used to edit 16mm, but how many people were still working in 
16mm at all, thus how much used equipment was available, and how supply and 
demand affected its cost. 

The bulk of 16mm production was the kind of stuff Rick Prelinger archives, and 
my recollection is that this sort of work was in decline by the late seventies. 
But I could be a bit early in my dates.

Jeff would certainly know better than I how much a Steenbeck would have set you 
back at any given time.

I think the fact Jeff still has one speaks to the larger point of my post.
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