On 8/11/12, Weekly Listing <weeklylist...@hi-beam.net> wrote:
> This week [August 11 - 19, 2012] in avant garde cinema
> To subscribe/unsubscribe to the weekly listing, go to
> http://www.hi-beam.net/cgi-bin/mailto.pl?mailto=subscribe
> or send an email to weeklylist...@hi-beam.net.
> Enter your announcements (calls for entries, new work, screenings,
> jobs, items for sale, etc.) at:
> http://www.hi-beam.net/cgi-bin/ann.pl
> =====================
> Buried/Exhumed 16mm Film Suggestion (Baltimore, MD; Deadline: August 01,
> 2012)
>  http://www.hi-beam.net/cgi-bin/ann.pl?type=calls&readfile=1471.ann
> ======================
> MADATAC 04 (Madrid_Spain; Deadline: August 31, 2012)
>  http://www.hi-beam.net/cgi-bin/ann.pl?type=calls&readfile=1415.ann
> PollyGrind Underground Film Festival of Las Vegas (Las Vegas, NV, USA;
> Deadline: August 13, 2012)
>  http://www.hi-beam.net/cgi-bin/ann.pl?type=calls&readfile=1419.ann
> FLEFF (Ithaca, NY, USA; Deadline: August 15, 2012)
>  http://www.hi-beam.net/cgi-bin/ann.pl?type=calls&readfile=1446.ann
> The 8 Fest (Toronto, Canada; Deadline: September 01, 2012)
>  http://www.hi-beam.net/cgi-bin/ann.pl?type=calls&readfile=1455.ann
> Last Vacancies 2012 Portugal Rural Artistic Residencies (Tondela, Portugal;
> Deadline: September 15, 2012)
>  http://www.hi-beam.net/cgi-bin/ann.pl?type=calls&readfile=1465.ann
> The 8 Fest (Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Deadline: September 01, 2012)
>  http://www.hi-beam.net/cgi-bin/ann.pl?type=calls&readfile=1467.ann
> the 8 fest (Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Deadline: September 01, 2012)
>  http://www.hi-beam.net/cgi-bin/ann.pl?type=calls&readfile=1470.ann
> Enter your event announcements by going to the Flicker Weekly Listing Form
> at http://www.hi-beam.net/cgi-bin/thisweek.pl
> Also available online at Flicker: http://www.hi-beam.net
> ==============================
>  *  Impact 2012 - A Festival of Political Art Presents: Political Films By
>     Ken Jacobs [August 11, New York, NY]
>  *  Essential Cinema: Genet/Frank & Leslie Program  [August 11, New York,
> New York]
>  *  Black Sun Cinema [August 12, Cork, Ireland]
>  *  Essential Cinema: Grant/Jacobs & Fleischner Program [August 12, New
> York, New York]
>  *  Early Monthly Segments #42 = Susan Sontag's Promised Lands [August 13,
> Toronto, Ontario, Canada]
>  *  Private Territory: Helsinki [August 16, Helsinki, Finland]
>  *  Tonewheel/Film Reel: Personal Film Work of Douglas Katelus [August 16,
> Los Angeles, California]
>  *  Lateral Mobility: A Send-Off Show For Kara Herold [August 16, San
> Francisco, CA]
>  *  Cindy Sherman Selects Film Series: the Texas Chainsaw Massacre [August
> 16, San Francisco, California]
>  *  Environmental Film Series - the Whale [August 17, Chicago, Illinois]
>  *  Breaking Ground: 60 Years of Austrian Experimental Cinema [August 17,
> Los Angeles, California]
>  *  Essential Cinema: the Parson's Widow [August 17, New York, New York]
>  *  Private Territory: Stockholm [August 17, Stockholm, Sweden]
>  *  A Place On Earth [August 18, Los Angeles, California]
>  *  Breaking Ground: 60 Years of Austrian Experimental Cinema - 2. Daily
>     Business [August 18, Los Angeles, California]
>  *  Essential Cinema: Vampyr [August 18, New York, New York]
>  *  Essential Cinema: the Passion of Joan of Arc [August 18, New York, New
> York]
>  *  Essential Cinema: Day of Wrath [August 19, New York, New York]
>  *  Essential Cinema: Ordet [August 19, New York, New York]
> Events are sorted by CITY within each DATE.
> -------------------------
> -------------------------
> 8/11
> New York, NY: Filmmakers Co-op
> 10pm, Culture Project: 45 Bleecker Street
>   Impact 2012 - A Festival of Political Art, in collaboration with The
>   Film-Makers' Coop presents Political Films by Ken Jacobs. - Screening:
>   Another Occupation (2011) and Seeking the Monkey King (2011) - Ken
>   Jacobs in person & MM Serra discussion. - Saturday, August 11th
>   2012, 10PM at Culture Project, 45 Bleecker Street. - Sponsored in part
>   by The New York State Council on the Arts.
> 8/11
> New York, New York: Anthology Film Archives
> http://www.anthologyfilmarchives.org/
> 5:45 pm, 32 2nd Avenue
>   Jean Genet UN CHANT D'AMOUR 1950, 26 minutes, 16mm, b&w, silent. Jean
>   Genet's poetic expression of male eroticism pitted against the confines
>   of prison cells and a homophobic state… a powerfully resonant work that
>   explores individual freedom and the laws of desire. Robert Frank &
>   Alfred Leslie PULL MY DAISY 1959, 28 minutes, 35mm, b&w. A largely
>   spontaneous experiment, arranged in 1959 by Robert Frank along with
>   Alfred Leslie. They enlisted the participation of Jack Kerouac, who
>   offered in place of an original screenplay a stage play he'd never
>   finished writing, "The Beat Generation." The plot is based on an
>   incident in the life of Neal Cassady and his wife Carolyn. They're
>   raising a family and trying to fit in with their suburban neighbors, and
>   one night they invite a respectable neighborhood bishop over for dinner.
>   But Neal's Beat friends crash the party, and that Marx Brothers-like
>   scenario is the closest thing the film has to a storyline. Total running
>   time: ca. 60 minutes.
> -----------------------
> SUNDAY, AUGUST 12, 2012
> -----------------------
> 8/12
> Cork, Ireland: Black Sun
> http://blacksuncork.tumblr.com/
> 13:30, Triskel Christchurch Cinema
>   Black Sun, Cork's weirdo/outer limits music and film event, is
>   presenting its first ever all-film event in partnership with Triskel
>   Christchurch. Adventurous audiences with a taste for the more far-out
>   side of experimental cinema will be treated to a whole afternoon of
>   dreamlike and hauntingly unsettling avant-garde visions. American
>   underground legend James Fotopoulos' feature The Nest (2003) "makes it
>   seem as though he is some extraterrestrial visitor photographing humans
>   for the first time" (Variety) and is ideal, mind-warping viewing for
>   David Lynch fans who think they've seen everything. The five-film
>   mini-retrospective of Frans Zwartjes' claustrophobically stylised short
>   films fully justifies the reputation of this poet of voyeurism and
>   sexual tension as perhaps Holland's preeminent experimental filmmaker.
>   And three of Ireland's most uncompromising alternative filmmakers,
>   Rouzbeh Rashidi, Dean Kavanagh and Maximilian Le Cain, will be on hand
>   to present a series of their more disturbing shorts. Visit
>   www.blacksuncork.tumblr.com for more details.
> 8/12
> New York, New York: Anthology Film Archives
> http://www.anthologyfilmarchives.org/
> 5:30 pm, 32 2nd Avenue
>   Dwinell Grant COMPOSITION #2 CONTRATHEMIS 1941, 5 minutes, 16mm, color,
>   silent. "An attempt to develop visual abstract themes and to
>   counterpoint them in a planned, formal composition." –D.G. "Austere and
>   chaste combinations, with subtle manipulation of structure, density and
>   rhythm."–William Moritz STOP MOTION TESTS 1942, 3 minutes, 16mm, color,
>   silent. A self-portrait. COLOR SEQUENCE 1943, 3 minutes, 16mm, color,
>   silent. "Pure solid-color frames which fade, mutate and flicker. A
>   research into color rhythms and perceptual phenomena." –William Moritz
>   Ken Jacobs LITTLE STABS AT HAPPINESS 1959-63, 18 minutes, 16mm, color.
>   Featuring Jack Smith. "Material was cut in as it came out of the camera,
>   embarrassing moments intact. 100' rolls timed well with music on old
>   78s. I was interested in immediacy, a sense of ease, and an art where
>   suffering was acknowledged but not trivialized with dramatics. Whimsy
>   was our achievement as well as breaking out of step." –K.J. Ken Jacobs &
>   Bob Fleischner BLONDE COBRA 1959-63, 35 minutes, 16-to-35mm blow-up,
>   b&w/color. Featuring Jack Smith. Preserved by Anthology, with the
>   generous support of The Film Foundation, The National Film Preservation
>   Foundation, Simon Lund and Cineric, Inc. "BLONDE COBRA is an erratic
>   narrative – no, not really a narrative, it's only stretched out in time
>   for convenience of delivery. It's a look in on an exploding life, on a
>   man of imagination suffering pre-fashionable Lower East Side deprivation
>   and consumed with American 1950s, 40s, 30s disgust. Silly, self-pitying,
>   guilt-strictured and yet triumphing – on one level – over the situation
>   with style… enticing us into an absurd moral posture the better to
>   dismiss us with a regal 'screw off.'" –K.J. Total running time: ca. 70
>   minutes.
> -----------------------
> MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 2012
> -----------------------
> 8/13
> Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Early Monthly Segments
> http://earlymonthlysegments.org/
> 8:00 PM, Gladstone Hotel 1214 Queen Street West
>   We're thrilled to present a recently preserved 16mm print of Susan
>   Sontag's only documentary. Filmed during the bitter end of Israel's Yom
>   Kippur War in 1973, and subsequently banned in Israel upon release, she
>   called it her "most personal film." From Harvard Film Archive: In her
>   writing as in this film, Sontag preferred "collage, assemblage, and
>   inventory." Lingering shots of mourners at the Wailing Wall, abandoned
>   remains of humans and their machines, and soldiers reenacting war in a
>   psychiatric ward interact with sequences of herdsmen minding goats,
>   people chatting at the market, and children holding hands. "It is a film
>   about a mental landscape...as well as a physical and political one."
>   said Sontag. Unidentified voices sometimes reinforce, sometimes counter
>   her visual chronicle – itself containing many contradictions amid the
>   grief and gunfire. Pondering the origins and probable outcome of "two
>   rights opposing each other," Israeli writer Yoram Kaniuk and physicist
>   Yuval Ne'eman typify variations of the intellectual speculation that
>   continues today. Painfully present, Promised Lands reverberates like the
>   bells in the opening shots or the recurring heart monitor sound
>   flat-lining and coming to life again … ominous yet hopeful, always a
>   lament. WEBSITE: www.earlymonthlysegments.org
> -------------------------
> -------------------------
> 8/16
> Helsinki, Finland: Balagan Films
> http://www.balaganfilms.com
> 20:00, Nomadic Academy of Experimental Arts (Harakka Island)
>   Program of events on Harakka Island: last day of datadada - mail art
>   exhibition, open from 12.00 - 16.00 /// sound art concert at 16.00 by
>   Jukka Hautamäki /// 18.00 Manifesto-performance by media artist Mia
>   Mäkelä /// 20.00 Private Territory screening: In addition to 16mm films
>   from North American filmmakers Saul Levine, Robert Todd, Shambhavi Kaul,
>   Jodie Mack and others, the program will include works by Finnish artists
>   Marja Mikkonen and Anna Nykyri, and Masha Godovannaya (St. Petersburg).
> 8/16
> Los Angeles, California: Echo Park Film Center
> http://www.echoparkfilmcenter.org/
> 8 pm, 1200 N. Alvarado St (at Sunset)
>   Tonewheel / Film Reel is a program of 16mm film and video work by
>   Douglas Katelus, a San Francisco based filmmaker and organist. These
>   movies are derived from observation while occasionally searching for
>   what sits below those endless layers of asphalt, concrete and gasoline.
>   The evening's program will be in two parts. First a never-ending road
>   trip followed by an homage to dead technology and lost landscape.
>   Numerous works will be screened produced between 2004–2012. The most
>   recent of which are set to a live musical performance on the Hammond
>   Organ.
> 8/16
> San Francisco, CA: Artists Television Access
> http://www.atasite.org/
> 7pm, 992 valencia street,
>   Come to Artists' Television Access and bid a fond farewell to Kara
>   Herold! Just two days later, she'll be on her way to Syracuse University
>   to start her new career as Assistant Professor of AV tech -- er, Film
>   and Video production. - And in the true hustling spirit of independent
>   art-making, you can both celebrate Kara's 20+ years in the SF media arts
>   community AND help her raise funds for her current multimedia
>   live-cinema project, Warrior 3: A Tale of Meager Transcendence. - Plus,
>   there will be FREE BEER AND WINE. And raffle items: grand prize, career
>   advice from Kara's mom and a Zen Priest! - You will also enjoy readings,
>   films, and performances by Anjali Sundaram, Monica Nolan, Lynn Peril,
>   Christy Chan, Monica Bhatnagar, Keith Wilson, and Gibbs Chapman.
>   Finally, Kara will show excepts from Warrior 3. - Did we mention
>   there'll be FREE BEER AND WINE? And the chance to win some career
>   advice? And to celebrate Kara's old and new careers! - And say good-bye.
>   - $10 door donation (remember, free beer & wine!)\; but because it's
>   a going away party, no one will be turned away for lack of funds. - And
>   there's no objection to further donations! You can write those off your
>   taxes if you donate through Kara's fiscal sponsor:
>   http://www.sffs.org/donate/donate-now.aspx?pid=1338 - - Program -
>   Parental Rental (video, Christy Chan) - A simulated conversation with a
>   set of artistically leaning parents. Originally shown in a cardboard
>   house installation. - Dukes Up (performance, Monica Bhatnagar) - Young
>   and green as a bean, Monica accepted Daisy's hand in forever-after
>   friendship. In Dukes Up, she attempts to shake her habit of a friend to
>   emerge clean . . . or at least minty fresh. - Everything but Time
>   (video, Anjali Sundaram) - Working minutes and commuter hours, soft
>   ambience and hard architecture, resistance and surveillance, public and
>   private space. - Maxie Mainwaring, Lesbian Dilettante (reading, Monica
>   Nolan) - This forth-coming third installment in the Lesbian Career Girl
>   series is the story of a madcap Maxie, a society girl who has only
>   dabbled in the world of work before being disinherited for her
>   scandalous behavior. As she tries to find a way to earn a living,
>   Maxie's job-hunting adventures draw her into Bay City's underworld. An
>   intriguing array of women help Maxie in her attempt to find both
>   romantic and career satisfaction. - The Shrimp (video, Keith Wilson) -
>   Tracing an environmentally threatened seafood from source to plate and
>   back again. - Intermission, Raffle draw - Swimming in the Steno Pool
>   (reading, Lynn Peril) - Author/secretary Lynn Peril delivers a feisty,
>   witty celebration of the women who have been running the show for
>   decades. - Push Button (film, Gibbs Chapman) - A history of idleness and
>   ignorance. - Selections from Warrior 3: A Tale of Meager Transcendence
>   (video of performance, Kara Herold, 2012) - A multimedia comedic "live
>   documentary" that tells the story of an artist struggling to reconcile
>   her artistic aspirations with her work as an audio visual technician. -
>   Socializing, toasts, etc.
> 8/16
> San Francisco, California: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
> http://www.sfmoma.org
> 7:00pm, Phyllis Wattis Theater
>   In conjunction with SFMOMA's Cindy Sherman retrospective, the artist has
>   selected a few of the films that have shaped her vision. Reflecting a
>   wide spectrum of genres and eras, the works shown here highlight the
>   extraordinary range of her interests and influences. This week is a
>   screening of Tobe Hooper's 1974 horror film classic, The Texas Chainsaw
>   Massacre, which follows a group of young travelers whose car breaks down
>   in the middle of nowhere to their misfortune. Known for originating many
>   of the staples of the slasher genre — such as a faceless killer and
>   power tools as weapons — it also functioned as a critique of the meat
>   industry. Ticketing costs are $5 general admission; free for SFMOMA
>   members or with museum admission (requires a free ticket, which can be
>   picked up in the Haas Atrium).
> -----------------------
> FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 2012
> -----------------------
> 8/17
> Chicago, Illinois: Chicago Filmmakers
> http://www.chicagofilmmakers.org/
> 8:15 PM, Buttercup Park, 4901 N. Sheridan Rd.
>   New York Times Critic's Pick. Narrated by Ryan Reynolds, The Whale is a
>   remarkable true story about Luna, a young killer whale, who is orphaned
>   off the coast of British Columbia, and adopted by the residents of
>   Nootka Sound. Luna quickly endears himself to them by demonstrating
>   affection and an ability to communicate, and indeed seems to thrive on
>   human contact until the government steps in to separate them for the
>   animal's own protection. Full of beautiful scenery and strange twists,
>   The Whale also raises compelling questions about the emotional lives of
>   animals that continue to elude human understanding. (D. Suzanne Chisholm
>   and Michael Parfit, 2011, 85 min.) Free admission
> 8/17
> Los Angeles, California: UCLA Film and Television Archive
> http://www.cinema.ucla.edu
> 7:30 p.m., 10899 Wilshire Boulevard (intersection of Wilshire and Westwood
> Boulevards)
>   The camera's rolling and we've boarded a rollercoaster of visual and
>   sound voyages. This opening program combines an excitingly eclectic
>   range of artistic modes and represents both an introduction to what have
>   become the hallmarks of Austrian experimental cinema and the perfect
>   place to begin 10 adventures into cinema and its history. Whether
>   reconstructing found footage, using sophisticated multiple points of
>   view, restaging documentaries or undertaking structural explorations,
>   these techniques all become rhythmic tools for our aural and visual
>   pleasure. Works in this program include FILM IST 1: MOVEMENT AND TIME
>   (2002); SCHÖNBERG (1990); YES? OUI? YA? (2002); MIRROR MECHANICS (2005);
>   Venus) (1970-1972); SUNSET BOULEVARD (1991); WISLA (1996); BODY POLITICS
>   (1974); INSTRUCTIONS FOR A LIGHT AND SOUND MACHINE (2005). Total running
>   time: 73 min.
> 8/17
> New York, New York: Anthology Film Archives
> http://www.anthologyfilmarchives.org/
> 7:30 pm, 32 2nd Avenue
>   by Carl Th. Dreyer No English intertitles (English synopsis available),
>   1921, 78 minutes, 35mm, b&w, silent (PRASTANKAN) A lyrical, early Dreyer
>   comedy. A young parson wins a plum parish in 17th century Norway, but is
>   obliged to marry the widow of his deceased predecessor and pretend his
>   attractive young fiancée is his sister. The master's touch is evident in
>   the close-ups of the pastor's would-be rivals and parishioners and a
>   slow pan presaging the 360-degree views of VAMPYR.
> 8/17
> Stockholm, Sweden: Balagan Films
> http://www.balaganfilms.com
> 20:00, Fylkingen (Torkel Knutssonsgatan 2,  Stockholm, Sweden)
>   Ryan Tebo (filmmaker) and Sally Müller (curator) have collaborated with
>   Boston-based Mariya Nikiforova for a Stockhom screening of Private
>   Territory, a traveling tour of films by American filmmakers such as Saul
>   Levine, Robert Todd, Jodie Mack, Shambhavi Kaul and others, Finnish
>   artists Marja Mikkonen and Anna Nykyri, and Russian filmmaker Masha
>   Godovannaya. For the screening in Stockholm there will also be bonus
>   films by Tamara Henderson, who just graduated from Kungliga
>   Konsthögskolan, Stockholm, and Åsa Hoflin.
> -------------------------
> -------------------------
> 8/18
> Los Angeles, California: Echo Park Film Center
> http://www.echoparkfilmcenter.org/
> 8 pm, 1200 N. Alvarado St (at Sunset)
>   With an introduction by filmmaker and restorationist Ross Lipman
>   (schedule permitting). A Place On Earth is a fiction film made with the
>   participation of a real commune in Moscow, one in which the director
>   himself lived. As with Palms, Aristakisyan's previous work, A Place on
>   Earth is not just a film; it is an encounter, and it leaves one
>   unsettled by its radical ethical demands. Says Aristakisyan: "The film
>   does not leave room to maneuver and avoid change... It precludes the
>   very possibility for indulgence in collective delusions after having
>   seen it... It also precludes the possibility for neatly sweeping its
>   contents under the intellectual rug...This is not a socially conscious
>   film. There is no society... It is not a philosophical film either.
>   There are no authorial points of view or ideas. It has to be
>   admitted—this film is dangerous. Truly dangerous." Dir. Artur
>   Aristakisyan, 2001, 120min, projected from DVD
> 8/18
> Los Angeles, California: UCLA Film and Television Archive
> http://www.cinema.ucla.edu
> 7:30 p.m., 10899 Wilshire Boulevard (intersection of Wilshire and Westwood
> Boulevards)
>   Observations of everyday events and life are transposed with irony and
>   humor through choreographic touches, performative actions or documentary
>   real time. Static scenes become mini cinematographic voyages: a kiss
>   enhanced through repetition and recreation, bicycles loaded into an
>   elevator or being repaired, workers finishing their day, or bodybuilding
>   as an artistic performance in itself. The ordinary is subtly tweaked to
>   create wry visual motifs for our undisguised pleasure. Works in this
>   program include HERNALS (1967); BYKETROUBLE (1998); PIECE TOUCHEE
>   (1965-66); LIVINGROOM (1991); DANKE, ES HAT MICH SEHR GEFREUT (1987).
>   Total running time: 68 min.
> 8/18
> New York, New York: Anthology Film Archives
> http://www.anthologyfilmarchives.org/
> 5:45 pm, 32 2nd Avenue
>   by Carl Th. Dreyer In Danish with no subtitles (English synopsis
>   available), 1931-32, 70 minutes, 35mm, b&w "Imagine that we are sitting
>   in a very ordinary room. Suddenly we are told that there is a corpse
>   behind the door. Instantly, the room we are sitting in has taken on
>   another look. The light, the atmosphere have changed, though they are
>   physically the same. This is because we have changed and the objects are
>   as we conceive them. This is the effect I wanted to produce in VAMPYR."
>   –Carl Dreyer
> 8/18
> New York, New York: Anthology Film Archives
> http://www.anthologyfilmarchives.org/
> 7:30 pm, 32 2nd Avenue
>   by Carl Th. Dreyer No English intertitles (English synopsis available),
>   1927-28, 98 minutes, 35mm, b&w, silent (LA PASSION DE JEANNE D'ARC) A
>   work that exemplifies Dreyer's philosophy: simplicity is the most
>   complex idea of all. Although renowned for its spare acts, lack of
>   embellishment, and use of simple shots, Dreyer's masterpiece reveals the
>   natural complexity of an un-retouched face (often existing alone,
>   filling up the frame) and a landscape of history as individual as the
>   lines on that face. Made in 1927-28, it continues to haunt the cinema,
>   looking more and more avant-garde as the years go by.
> -----------------------
> SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012
> -----------------------
> 8/19
> New York, New York: Anthology Film Archives
> http://www.anthologyfilmarchives.org/
> 5:00 pm, 32 2nd Avenue
>   by Carl Th. Dreyer In Danish with no subtitles (English synopsis
>   available), 1943, 100 minutes, 35mm, b&w (VREDENS DAG) "Carl Dreyer's
>   art begins to unfold at the point where most other directors give up.
>   Witchcraft and martyrdom are his themes – but his witches don't ride
>   broomsticks, they ride the erotic fears of their persecutors. It is a
>   world that suggests a dreadful fusion of Hawthorne and Kafka." –Pauline
>   Kael
> 8/19
> New York, New York: Anthology Film Archives
> http://www.anthologyfilmarchives.org/
> 7:30 pm, 32 2nd Avenue
>   by Carl Th. Dreyer In Danish with no subtitles (English synopsis
>   available), 1955, 132 minutes, 35mm, b&w An existential morality essay
>   by the master of the long take, in which a man who believes he is Jesus
>   Christ soon begins to convince those around him. Based on the play by
>   Kaj Munk, ORDET is a meditation on faith and fanaticism.
> Enter your event announcements by going to the Flicker Weekly Listing Form
> at http://www.hi-beam.net/cgi-bin/thisweek.pl
> The weekly listing is also available online at Flicker:
> http://www.hi-beam.net
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