
What model Moviola is it? M77 or M86?


On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 2:19 PM, Mike Morris <m_alex_mor...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I recently acquired what seems to be a very nice 6 plate flatbed Moviola
> (that may prove to be a contradiction in terms, we'll see). I haven't
> played with it much yet. I've been warned that it's a notorious film
> snapper, but I haven't experienced that yet.
> I wonder if anyone knows how to track down a manual on one of these? I've
> worked quite a bit with Steenbecks in the past and I'm realizing just how
> different they function.
> The main problem I've run into so far, and this may be user error rather
> than something that needs to be repaired (i hope), but after I've turned on
> the switches for the two "pix" plates for the picture, and they put tension
> on the film, I turn the variable knob labeled "Master", which I assume is
> suposed to transport the film, but nothing happens. The two mag sound knobs
> seem to work just fine. I'm figuring I just don't have something adjusted
> right since the table was in use as of 2 years ago, from what the fellow
> told me. Anyway, any help is appreciated.
> Mike Morris
> Dallas, TX
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