I'm really sad to hear this. Beatriz taught the first video production course I 
took at University of North Texas almost 10 years ago, and introduced me to 
super 8 filmmaking. She encouraged experimentation in an environment that 
wasn't completely friendly to it and it was a formative experience for me. 
Thank you for sharing, Bernie. 

Mike Morris
Dallas, Tx

Beatriz Flores Gutiérrez passed away on Saturday, April 21, 2012 of breast 
>She attended San Fransisco State University, then completed an MFA in the 
>Department of Media Study at the State University of New York at Buffalo.  
>Between the Fall of 2003 and the Spring of 2009 she taught at the University 
>of North Texas' Department of Radio, Television, and Film, Northern Illinois 
>University's Time Arts program within their School of Art, and Evergreen State 
>College's Media Arts program.  Beatriz was an active member of the 
>Evolutionary Girls Club, a collective founded in part by Erica Eaton during 
>their studies in Buffalo.  An active chamption of undocumented workers within 
>the U.S., Beatriz developed a series of videos about the experiences of 
>Mexicans working and living in the States.  By nature very sweet and 
>approacheable, she was a fierce defender of the everday working 
>Mexican-Americans.  In Mexico Beatriz was a theater student before moving 
>north and always loved dance and physical expression.  In the North she was
>profoundly disturbed by the activities of the U.S. border patrol and 
>Immigration authorities.  Beatriz never tired of returning to the border, 
>where she had long-standing relationships with Americans working on behalf of 
>migrants.  Organizations on the U.S./Mexican border like No More Deaths and 
>Humane Borders were frequent destinations for Beatriz, and some of us received 
>our basic education about the border and the U.S. foreign policy itself on 
>road trips in her company discussing documentary film and the history of 
>activist media.  She was a central figure in the organization of the 
>conference Bridges Not Walls, which was held at Evergreen State College May 15 
>- 18, 2008.  Beatriz also loved pioneers, including Beatriz Noronha da Costa, 
>with whom she studied during the latter's year teaching in Buffalo.  During 
>her final years Beatriz had many friends in Olympia with whom she shared an 
>interest in movement workshops, yoga, and natural living. 
>She is survived by three sisters, a brother, and her parents, now separated, 
>all of whom live near Mexico City, where Beatriz grew up.  She maintained some 
>activity and enjoyment of life until near the end, and passed peacefully, 
>without pain, and among friends.
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