Hi Mariah,

I can help you out with all of those things.  I work a block away from the
SFMOMA, at new montgomery and mission, and we have rewinds and alcohol and
q-tips, etc...  You can't leave with the rewinds, but your'e welcome to use
them to clean up your loop and perform any other repairs you need to make.


On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 8:38 AM, mariah garnett <mariah.garn...@gmail.com>wrote:

> San Francisco folks!
> I have a screening tomorrow at SFMOMA (presented by Dirty Looks) and my
> print has some sticky stuff on it that caused the loop to collapse the last
> time it was projected (right before I drove up here).
> Does anyone in SF have a set of rewinds, some rubbing alcohol and some
> qtips I could use real quick before tomorrow at 3pm when I have to drop off
> the print?
> also - come to the screening!
> and, I'm installing the same film as an installation with one loop of film
> running through 2 projectors - opening saturday
> if you're interested in either thing info is below.
> thanks!
> screening:
> http://www.sfmoma.org/exhib_events/events/2234
> installation/show:
> http://artforum.com/guide/country=US&place=San%20Francisco&page_id=0
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