Dear All, 

Does anyone one out there (Europe would be easier) have one 300 series 
projector by Bell and Howell? Following Scott Dorsey's helpful reply/advice 
(below) I found that models include the Filmosound 302 and the Filmosound 
Specialist 384,385, 398 and 399. 
If you have one of these that works or could work and want to sell it please 
contact me off list.

Or if you have another model that runs on DIRECT CURRENT (DC). It concerns a 
16mm projector, not super 8. 

To avoid misunderstandings, I repeat: I am already using an inverter, in order 
to change the already existing Alternate Current to DC. I must use a projector 
that runs on DC for critical safety reasons. 



 From: Scott Dorsey <>
Sent: Monday, 1 April 2013, 16:32
Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Advice please: 16mm projector on Direct Current
Some of the 300-series Bell and Howell projectors are designed for AC/DC
use.  Also some of the Ampro projectors were.  You can tell because they
employ universal motors with electromechanical governor arrangements instead
of modern AC synchronous motors. 

Note that SOME of the 300-series projectors used power transformers for the
tube electronics, but most of them were hot chassis and just ran directly
off the power line.

This was a big deal in the 1940s when these were made, since a lot of these
were used by the military in places that may have had DC or 50 Hz mains.
However, since we live in an era where cheap inverters are available, there
is really no reason not to just use one today and make solid AC from your 
DC line.
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