thanks, Chuck!

On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 12:20 PM, Chuck Kleinhans <
> wrote:

> Here's a forthcoming book on avant garde cinema, out in hardback in
> November, and paperback a year later
> David Andrews, Theorizing Art Cinemas; Foreign, Cult, Avant-Garde, and
> Beyond (Austin: U of Texas Press)
> Previous versions of the book's chapters have appeared in Film
> International, Scope, Jump Cut, and the Oxford anthologyGlobal Art Cinema.
> Table of Contents
> Preface
> Acknowledgments
> Introduction: Correcting Art Cinema’s Partial Vision
> Part One: Art, Auteurism, and the World
> Chapter One. Art as Genre as Canon: Defining “Art Cinema”
> Chapter Two. No Start, No End: Auteurism and the Auteur Theory
> Chapter Three. From “Foreign Films” to “World Cinema”
> Part Two: Formats and Fetishes
> Chapter Four. Recovery and Legitimation in the Traditional Art Film
> Chapter Five. Losing the Asterisk: A Theory of Cult-Art Cinema
> Chapter Six. Revisiting “The Two Avant-Gardes”
> Chapter Seven. Sucking the Mainstream: A Theory of Mainstream Art Cinema
> Part Three: Institutions and Distributions
> Chapter Eight. Re-integrating Stardom ( . . . or Technology or Reception
> or . . . )
> Chapter Nine. Art Cinema as Institution, Redux: Art Houses, Film
> Festivals, and Film Studies
> Chapter Ten. Art Cinema, the Distribution Theory
> Epilogue. Beyond, Before Cinephilia
> Notes
> Filmography
> Bibliography
> Index
> Chuck Kleinhans
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