If the correction helps, Juan José Mugni is also Argentine (but works and lives 
in Montevideo, Uruguay, since the Seventies when he exiled because of the 
military coup d'état).


 From: Federico J Windhausen <fjw2...@nyu.edu>
To: "frameworks@jonasmekasfilms.com" <frameworks@jonasmekasfilms.com> 
Sent: Sunday, September 8, 2013 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Experimental Film and Expanded Cinema in Argentina?

Hello Frameworkers,

Pablo gets his information about my forthcoming article from a reliable source 
- me. The article will cover recent developments in Argentine experimental 
cinema. I'll post it on Frameworks when it is published.

The filmmakers already named in earlier messages are a good starting point. 
There are quite a few others making films as well, but their work has not begun 
to travel outside the country. There are points of overlap between different 
communities of filmmakers and video artists, but the scene in Buenos Aires, for 
instance, cannot be characterized as a cohesively organized one, and it does 
have its share of factionalism. In addition, there is no one centralized and 
comprehensive source of information about the contemporary experimental film 
and video that is being made and shown in Argentina.

There has definitely been a spike in activity in the past few years. During my 
most recent stay in Buenos Aires, in July and August of this year, it was 
possible to see at least one screening and/or film performance of new work a 
week. Also, a number of artists and filmmakers were conducting workshops and 
seminars outside of the universities and conservatories that were very well 
attended. Their classes are mostly technical and practice-oriented, and they 
have covered topics such as  "precarious projections" without film, Super 8 
performances, Super 8 and 35mm film developing, and found footage filmmaking.

I also responded to Jonathan off-list, but for those with an interest in this 
topic, I will plug programmer Federico Lanchares' festival Semana III del Film 
Experimental, which is scheduled for November 7-9, 2013 in La Plata, Argentina 
(a one-hour bus ride from downtown Buenos Aires). His email address is 

The 2011 edition of the Semana del Film Experimental included work by Magdalena 
Jitrik, Narcisa Hirsch, Horacio Vallereggio, Jorge Honik, Silvestre Byrón, 
Magdalena Arau, Paulo Pécora, Hernán Khourián, Horacio Vallereggio, Ernesto 
Baca and Rob Conlazo & Summum, María Rosa Andreotti, Azucena Losana y Eduardo 
Meléndez and Pablo Mazzolo. The 2012 edition included films by Julio César 
Otero Mancini and Emiliano Cativa, as well as two non-Argentines, Juan José 
Mugni and Chris Kennedy.

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