Personally I would not bother with screening rights for festivals. Festivals 
are usually regarded as a 'safe haven' since they are often places where works 
can be discovered and possibly find additional funding, sales, etc. (e.g. 
"Final Cut: Ladies and Gentlemen" by Georgy Palfy has been shown at numerous 
festivals but has in no way cleared all the rights and third party-re-use 

That being said, in terms of DVD's: 
what the publisher wants to know is which rights you want: 
Geographically: world-wide? specific territories only? 
Temporaly: a limited time? Ad Aeternam
Media: DVD only? all media (so also TV, DVD, Internet...)
Copies: 100? 1000? 10000? 

Depending on the song you need to clear both rights to the composition and 
publishing rights, usually with artists that are still alive they have the 
rights to the composition, the labels have the publishing rights. 
If you can negotiate with the artist, start with that. His price might be much 
lower and the publisher usually will ask the same amount. 

Your strategy in respect to clearing the rights could be to decide what you 
really want, and then add to it. Say you only want to make 100 copies of the 
dvd and only want the rights for that, ask them for 1000 copies and all media 
rights etc. Their price will be higher, but you can start stripping away the 
things you didn't want in the first place, so since you ask for less each time, 
they'll be obliged to lower their price ;) 

Hope that helps. 

On 30 Dec 2013, at 20:33, zach vonjoo <> wrote:

> Hello All--
> Some weeks back, I posted an inquiry regarding music rights and fees.  I 
> received some highly informative responses so I thought I would try here 
> again.    
> I have sent a proposed fee to the publisher and label regarding music rights 
> for a short experimental film.  I have requested screening rights for 
> festivals and possible use for a future compilation of my work.    All seems 
> well excepting the label has requested that I state more exact terms.   
> Having not gone through this process before, I am a bit in the dark.  If 
> anyone has an example of music rights documentation I could look over I would 
> greatly appreciate it!  
> Well wishes for 2014, 
> Zach  
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