Looks like the link I included was bad. Here's the correct one:

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 11:32 AM, John Knecht <jkne...@colgate.edu> wrote:

> Adam,
> I work in multiple channel video installation as well as single channel,
> often looped, pieces. All my work is hand drawn animation, beginning with
> paper on pencil.   I just did a show two weeks ago at Union Docs in
> Brooklyn.  I have a new piece which was installed at the Llwelyn Gallery at
> Alfred State College this fall, titled "Considering the Probability of
> Divine Intervention".  The piece consists of five 19" flatscreens with
> built in dvd players, displaying five hand drawn animations, beginning with
> gouach on paper drawings,  of houses intermittently rising off of their
> foundations.  When I showed it at the Llewelyn Gallery I showed the
> original gouache paintings of each house which are the same size as the
> video screens.  These are framed.  I own all the video flat screen/dvd
> player displays.
> I also currently have an exhibition at the Munson Williams Proctor Arts
> Institute in Utica, NY,  of four panels from my  fifteen channel, video
> animation "Fragments from the Wheels of Ezekiel"!  These four video
> animations, displayed on flat screens have recently been purchased for the
> Institute's permanent collection.
> http://www.mwpai.org/museum-of-art/museum-of-art-calendar/new-funny-and-odd-videos-on-view/
> Here are some images.  Check out my web site "johnknechtart.com".   I'd
> be glad to send you a dvd documenting some of my installations and a reel
> of single channel animation.
> John Knecht
> jkne...@colgate.edu
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 8:20 AM, Adam R. Levine <ada...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Frameworks,
>> This is a very specific RFI but I am looking for artists or works that
>> check as many (at least two, let's say) of the following boxes as possible,
>> listed in order of preference:
>> 1. Installations or possibly live performances...
>> 2. ...That incorporate abstract footage (preferably 16mm loops)
>> 3. Hand painted, scratch film, or hand animation
>> 4. Sculptural elements or constructed environments
>> 5. Use of text or voice
>> 6. Preferably by female artists or filmmakers
>> Like I said - specific. But perhaps you can help.
>> Many thanks,
>> Adam
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> --
> John Knecht, Russell Colgate Distinguished
>  University Professor of Art and Art History
>  and Film and Media Studies
> _______________________________________________
> FrameWorks mailing list
> FrameWorks@jonasmekasfilms.com
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