Hi folks. I've started an effort to put many of my public domain educational 
films from my decade long collection of them, many of which aren't online at 
all, up on archive.org and through private youtube links, from which the videos 
can be ripped. I've been disappointed in the past with the poor quality of some 
of the videos on archive.org, so i wanted to give something back to other 
filmmakers footage which they could use for their projects, or at least  watch 
as a reference for requesting something from an archive. I share the links via 
a facebook page... 

Check in once and awhile, or if you're on facebook, like the page to stay up to 
date on what i put up. It takes a bit of effort, and i'd like the films to be 
downloaded and used by other filmmakers. And by all means, share the links with 
your friends. Thanks.


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