My film WATERSCAPE: ILLUSIONS, completed 2007, 52 minutes long, was shot and 
finished on 16mm film.    

The film is a meditation on myth and reality, a sort of experimental-hybrid 
documentary/essay film that includes both gorgeous location footage, largely in 
color, and watercolor illustrations.  The sound track includes the voices of 
unseen actors and environmental sounds all added in post production.  
WATERSCAPE… appears to be about filming swans on a mysterious lake in all 
seasons and weather.  However, as the film unfolds and the filmmaker explores 
swan mythology, observes the resident swans, and ruminates on the process of 
documenting reality on film; it becomes clear that filmmaking is very much 
“myth-making” and that the line between illusion and reality is not so clearly 
drawn.  For more information, you can visit my website: 
 and, of course, contact me directly.


Ann Deborah Levy
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