A lot of work that I've seen in Max MSP/Jitter that attempts to mimic analog 
processes are making use of Vade's v002 GLSL shaders, which he offers as free 
Quartz Composer plugins here: 

To see what these shaders look like when applied to moving images, check out: 

and here is a video of the v002 app itself: http://abstrakt.vade.info/?p=272

With the Syphon app (which can also be downloaded from v002.info), one can 
easily use these plugins in Quartz Composer and then bring them into Max MSP or 
any other Syphon supported development environment.

I've made use of these plugins for some of my work. Most notably, I used a 
version of the 'analog glitch' shader to transition between images in this 
project: http://vimeo.com/23803294

David Han
Digital Media Program,
Faculty of Fine Arts, York University
416.736.2100 x77465

On 2014-08-05, at 10:50 AM, Warren Cockerham <warrencocker...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Frameworkers: 
> I'm looking for research suggestions of artists, filmmakers, and works that 
> utilize Max MSP/Jitter as their main software tool. I am specifically 
> interested in FILM and analog video makers and works (experimental, abstract, 
> avant-garde) that have used Max to explore or investigate the moving image 
> medium via digital processes that resemble or have a direct lineage to analog 
> processes. I know there are many instances of hardware modifications 
> utilizing Max (and those are welcomed suggestions). But, I'm really 
> interested in standalone Max patches or apps that resemble analog processes. 
> Expanded Cinema, video installation, live or interactive performances 
> (something beyond VJ stuff), and theater/black box works are all welcomed 
> suggestions. 
> thanks in advance!
> Warren Cockerham 
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