VISIONS in collaboration with the Festival du nouveau cinéma presents short 
films by Robert Todd and Vincent Grenier.

Todd and Grenier will be showing new films at the FNC this year and VISIONS 
will be holding a special presentation of more amazing works by these masters 
of cinema.

Robert Todd = Shades of Grey [2014 | 15:00] + Slow Rise [2014 | 7:00]

« images, d’une grande précision sculpturale, affinent notre sens de la 
vision. » 
- L’âge d’or - La cinémathèque royale de Belgique

Vincent Grenier = Waiting Room [2012 | 8:43] + Tabula Rasa [2004 | 7:30] + 
Surface Tension II [1995 | 4:00]

« ...a master of quiet, delicate forms, gradual transitions, and wry 
misdirection...a true poet of the medium. » - Blaffer Art Museum - Houston

Micro-cinéma être | 19 oct | 18h00 | [6029a Av Du Parc]
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