If I understand the question correctly, much of Jack Smith's work would
apply; I would highlight Normal Love and No President in particular.

Some of the Actionist films of Otto Muehl/Kurt Kren also come to mind:
perhaps Cosinus Alpha, Zock Exercises, and O Christmas Tree.

Andy Ditzler

On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 5:08 PM, Rebekka Erin Moran <rebekka.mo...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I am researching a project of the use of the Tableau Vivant in
> experimental or avant-garde filmmaking (history, theory, etc).
> I am particularly interested in any examples of filmmakers that were
> investigating the tableau vivant as a reference to a film frame and not to
> a painting.
> Also any sub themes that may relate to tableau vivant as a durational film
> frame or living freeze frame, or a tableau vivant as a non-active
> scene/image shot stop motion or frame by frame (in camera or optical
> printed).
> Any suggestions for readings or names would be greatly appreciated!
> best,
> Rebekka
> Rebekka Moran
> rebekka.mo...@gmail.com
> http://www.rebekkamoran.com
> tel:  +345 849 5978
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Andy Ditzler
Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts, Emory University
FrameWorks mailing list

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