Hey Frameworkers,

Been lurking for ages here, coming out now only to wonder if you have any
advice for my recently completed first-ish picture–a 35 minute, worst-fi,
highly first-personal, partially scripted docu-fiction with some vaguely
experimental gestures. Someone on list recently referred to this length as
the "valley of death." I'm happy to receive technical notes, but that's not
my point. How (and where) can I share a movie like this?

The festival apparatus, which has grossly disappointed me with past
projects, seems as a result of scale and lack of information extremely
difficult to navigate for a young maker of any kind, especially one on a
budget or with any kind of freak object to share. Budget and freakiness of
course both necessitating an even keener sense of which sorts of pieces
might fit in which sorts of venues/festivals/series/what-have-yous. So,
presuming there are more than five festivals (five at least I can think of)
that just *might* be interested in this kind of work, I'd be delighted to
hear your recommendations.

A sense of the film can be had at http://deodorant.rocks/. Feel free to
email me off-list for a private link to the full picture.

All the best and kind thanks,
FrameWorks mailing list

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